Activity Exception Management for Premier

Activity Exception Management for Premier® from Fiserv mines information from your internal file maintenance activity and flags exceptions in real time so you can resolve them quickly, reducing your internal and external risk.


Every day, your staff makes changes to customer and account information, including updates involving card limits, deposit rates, loan collateral and personal contact information. Whether initiated internally or performed at the request of a customer, each change carries with it the risk of error or potential fraud.

Monitoring this file maintenance activity and following up on exceptions often requires cumbersome, manual examination of maintenance reports, using valuable staff time to identify and investigate questionable items. In fact, for many organizations, the scope of exception detection and resolution is limited by the cost of manual review.

Activity Exception Management streamlines the process, enabling your financial institution to automatically identify nonmonetary exceptions, investigate them and bring them to resolution.


  • Real-time monitoring: Activity Exception Management provides all the tools you need to identify exception items in real time as file maintenance events occur, so you can investigate and resolve them right away
  • Flexible exception rules: Once you activate them, the rules enable you to monitor for exceptions in card, loan, deposit and other applications across the board
  • Robust management tools: Labor-intensive manual systems are replaced with flexible technology that delivers meaningful, actionable information right to the desktop. You can assign exceptions to specific staff for verification by a certain due date, and electronic notes can be added to document the process
  • Streamlined research: You can track multiple individual maintenance events to identify a single exception item
  • Straightforward reporting: Easy-to-read reports provide multiple views of the exception data, helping you identify areas that need additional employee training, and policies that need review

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For more information on Activity Exception Management for Premier and other Fiserv solutions, call us at 800-872-7882 or contact us.

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